Wat valt er te beleven?

  • Streekproducten


  • Brouwerij


  • Brewery ‘Artois’ was created via a fusion between Belgian Interbrew and Brazilian AmBev in 2004. 
  • AB Inbev is the largest chain of breweries in the world.
  • The actual history of this beer from Leuven goes back to 1366, the date that’s on the logo. 
  • The brewery launched its first Christmas beer in 1926 and christened it ‘Stella’, which means ‘star’. 
  • Famous Belgian beers from the group include Belle-Vue, Hoegaarden, Jupiler, Leffe, Piedboeuf, Stella Artois, and Vieux Temps.
  • Stella Artoisbrouwerij (©Jokko/Joris Bulckens)
  • Stella Artoisbrouwerij